Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Murder of a Vietcong by Saigon Police Chief

This picture was known “Murder of a Vietcong by Saigon Police Chief”. When I first saw the man who was being shot, I wonder why the soldier wanted to kill him and I felt sorry for the Vietcong. Since the title was ‘murder of a Vietcong”, everyone who watches the picture probably has the same feeling that I have. However, if I knew that the Vietcong was a murder of dozens of civilians, I wouldn’t have sympathy for the Vietcong. The truth was that the Vietcong who was looked so pitiful was a captain of a Vietcong “revenge squad” that had executed dozens of civilians. Then, do I have to perceive the police chief as a justice? As far as I know, there was not a good court system in Vietnam and laws couldn’t effectively control people’s behavior. One who had a superior power could be a judge and executer. I don’t want to blame the soldier because his action probably reflected people around him.
Without know the truth about the picture, it became an icon of the war.


  1. Picture is graphic.If you interested in history, I highly recommend HIS3640 class - The Vietnam War by Prof. Parsons. I took it in Fall 2008, we discussed historic events leading to Vietnam War, impact of Ho Chi Minh on the situation and National Liberation Party. There are far more graphic photos and videos of mass (and I'm talking about entire villages, including women and children)by U.S. soldiers along with Diem's troops.

  2. The amount of times I've seen this pic, I never get over that gut turning feeling. The host of pics from this war were tear jerkers.

  3. Isn't that what we learned about ... street justice. People take the law into their own hands. Very graphic picture, this picture is very deceiving.... without knowing the background story one would definitely feel sorry for this man.

  4. That's definitely a powerful picture and I'm glad that you included the context of it. I've seen it before and was not aware of those specific circumstances.

  5. They say a picture can speak a thousand words and this is true but there can be so many differences in how pictures are looked at. I felt sorry for him as well when I first saw it.

  6. Yeah, I agree with you guys. Knowing a picture can be very complecated process, which I didn't realize before.
    Thank you for the class recommendation Nick.
    If I don't greduate this year, I definitely take that class.
